Posted on July 30, 2012 Posted Under Wordpress theme freelancer
In today’s post I am showcasing WordPress themes that are perfectly suited to design studios, creative agencies and freelancers. These premium WordPress themes are perfect for showcasing your work and providing in depth information on your projects, the WordPress themes all feature pixel perfect designs to compliment your studio and work, some featured examples are […]
Posted on May 17, 2012 Posted Under Wordpress SEO
By default, WordPress do not add a <meta description> tag to your blog. While not necessary, some SEO experts insists that this tag is important for your site SEO. So what about generating one using your post content? Here is a cool piece of code to do it easily.
If you are an owner of a WordPress blog, then most probably you might be facing some WordPress trackback related spam in your blog and if your blog has some good amount of blog posts then this problem escalates and it’s quite difficult to control the problem.
Posted on April 9, 2012 Posted Under Wordpress Tip and Tricks
Simply paste the following code where you want to display your pagination enjoy…
Posted on March 27, 2012 Posted Under Just Blogging, Tips-n-Tricks
Say you have a website that is printer-friendly but you are not too sure if people are actually printing your web pages. And if they are, you are interested to know how often they print pages and what is the kind of content that users are most likely to print on your site.
A blog is a great way to express your thoughts, create a web presence for your company and provide content to Internet users. If you’re planning to create a blog, but don’t wish to get into the hassles of hosting, developing and deploying it yourself, consider creating a blog at any of the free blogging […]
Simply paste the following code anywhere in your theme files, where you want the tweets to be displayed.
Posted on January 22, 2012 Posted Under Wordress Security
WordPress is the most used open-source platform nowadays for any type of websites: whether it is blog, CMS or any other custom solution. WordPress is naturally based on PHP (among other languages), so, as a PHP developer I always make sure to cover/apply some tips for WordPress to make secure and speedup the site which […]
Posted on January 22, 2012 Posted Under Wordress Security
Securing your WordPress blog is the most important thing that you must do after you have set it up on your server. There shouldn’t be any reason for you to leave your WordPress wide open for hackers to creep in and steal your information and/or destroy your data. Here are 11 ways that you can […]
Posted on January 9, 2012 Posted Under Web development, Wordpress
WordPress has always been a very flexible piece of software, generally the majority of people use WordPress as a blogging platform and that’s what it was meant to be, however with some tweaking involve you can convert WordPress to power up any type of site, in fact some are using WordPress as a CMS (Content […]
Posted on January 9, 2012 Posted Under Web development
Following on from the recent article on “PSD to HTML”, this tutorial will look at taking a HTML/CSS template and turning it into a functioning WordPress theme. There is so much you can do when creating your own theme we couldn’t nearly cover it all. So, we’re going to look at how themes are structured, […]
Posted on January 5, 2012 Posted Under Tips-n-Tricks, Wordpress
Have you seen other bloggers who display their other blog’s feed on their site. You want to do it too for extra promotion and traffic. Well here is the tutorial for you. Simply paste the following code in anywhere in your theme:
Posted on January 5, 2012 Posted Under Tips-n-Tricks, Wordpress
In one of my recent freelance works, I had to play a lot with categories. I was looking for an easy way to get a category slug using an ID, and I found this great function that I’d like to share with you today. First, put the following function in your functions.php file: Once done, […]
Posted on December 29, 2011 Posted Under Just Blogging, Tips-n-Tricks, Wordpress
To achieve this trick, simply edit your page.php Or single.php file and paste the following code where you’d like your parent page title to be displayed: That’s all. Also, this code should be some inspiration for creating breadcrumbs. See you tomorrow! If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it!
Posted on August 19, 2011 Posted Under Tips-n-Tricks, Wordpress
<div> Most WordPress users are using custom fields to display thumbs on their blog homepage. It is a good idea, but do you know that with a simple php function, you can grab the first image from the post, and display it. Just read on. First, paste this function on your <em>functions.php</em> file. Once done, […]
Posted on August 13, 2011 Posted Under Tips-n-Tricks, Wordpress
Here is the code to show all post form category. more detail about customization please refer Reference link