Here is code to send pdf file attachment to user using contact form 7.
function send_pdf( $cf7 ) { $id = $cf7->id(); if ($id==1076){ $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance(); $posted_data = $submission->get_posted_data(); $tdsfileurl = $posted_data['tdsfile']; $tdsproductname = $posted_data['productname']; $explode = explode("/", $tdsfileurl); $end = ''; $begin = ''; if(count($explode) > 0){ $end = array_pop($explode); // removes the last element, and returns it if(count($explode) > 0){ $begin = implode('/', $explode); // glue the remaining pieces back together } } $t=time(); $hostname = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $newfile2 = explode($hostname, $begin); $newfile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '' .$newfile2['1'].'/' .$tdsproductname.'_TDS_'.$t.'.pdf'; error_log('$tdsfileurl: ' . $tdsfileurl); error_log('$newfile: ' . $newfile); if ( copy($tdsfileurl, $newfile) ) { error_log('File copied'); $submission->add_uploaded_file('pdf', $newfile); }else{ error_log('Not able to attche file'); } } } add_action('wpcf7_before_send_mail','send_pdf');
1076 is contact form 7 ID and tdsfile form field is having PDF url form local server (http://localhost:90/pidi/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/test.pdf) which i want to send as attachment.